Lucas at Saint Gobain, France

In February 2021 I completed my internship at Saint-Gobain Research Provence, located at the city of Cavaillon, France. Due to the sanitary crisis, most of my interaction with the company’s team was made at distance, by phone and video calls, but this didn’t stop us from having deep technical discussions about how to perform mechanical tests and digital image correlation analysis more efficiently and accurately. Finally, I managed to spend one week on-site to follow some tests and, despite all the restrictions, this experience contributed enormously to my education as an Early Stage Researcher.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t enjoy the natural and gastronomic attractions of the south of France as I would like to do, but I hope to go back there soon in a more convenient context!

This project has received funding
from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant
agreement no.764987