Actualité | International | Presse
26 mars 2019
ATHOR on the radio.
Prof. Marc Huger, general coordinator of the ATHOR project, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action European Training network – Innovative Training [...]
Actualité | Formation | International
26 mars 2019
RTC2 Part1 In pictures!
The first part of the academic courses on theoretical basics and modelling (RTC2) took place in Orleans at the end of January 2019. The [...]
9 décembre 2018
Third network-wide Refractory Training Course: Thermomechanical Modelling, 21-25 January 2019, Orléans
This training course is referred to the category RTC2 of the academic courses on theoretical basics and modelling. Its first part will take [...]
21 octobre 2018
RTC1 Part2 in pictures!
The RTC1 Part2 training session dedicated to the Corrosion of Refractory Materials took place in Aachen during the 24-25 September 2018 and [...]
13 septembre 2018
ATHOR Newsletter August 2018
Our Newsletter is now published in the August 2018 issue of the Refractories WorldForum Magazine. Click here to be redirected to the online [...]
23 août 2018
Second network-wide Refractory Training Course on Corrosion, 24-25 September 2018, Aachen
After the first successful training course on Fracture Mechanics of Refractories organized and hosted by the Montanuniversität Leoben, our [...]
31 mai 2018
First ATHOR Refractory and Training Course (RTC1) on Fracture Mechanics, 11-15 June 2018, Leoben, Austria.
ATHOR is an Innovative Training Network project dedicated to Advanced THermomechanical multiscale mOdelling of Refractory linings, funded by [...]
22 février 2018
ATHOR kick-off meeting
The kick-off meeting of the project took place from 20 to 21 February 2018 at the Maison de la Nouvelle Aquitaine in the heart of Paris. [...]