29 octobre 2019
Filming with the BBC!
The ATHOR project is proud to announce that we are taking part in the IAU-BBC series “Aiming Higher”. These short documentaries were [...]

29 octobre 2019
Euroean Researcher Night
The European Researchers’ Night took place on September 27 in many European countries (See the video here). This event is dedicated to bring [...]

22 mai 2019
Forth network-wide Refractory Training Course: Micromechanics, 24-28 June 2019, Cavaillon
This training course is referred to the category RTC2 of the academic courses on theoretical basics and modelling. This third part will take [...]

Actualité | Conférence | Formation | International | Vie étudiante
12 avril 2019
ATHOR at WoCeram 2019
The ATHOR project was represented at the International Workshop on Women in Ceramic Science (WoCeram2019), which took place in Budapest on [...]
26 mars 2019
Maison de l’Europe
Prof. Marc Huger, general coordinator of the ATHOR project, was recently invited by Daniel Bernussou, president [...]

Actualité | International | Presse
26 mars 2019
ATHOR on the radio.
Prof. Marc Huger, general coordinator of the ATHOR project, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action European Training network – Innovative Training [...]

Actualité | Formation | International
26 mars 2019
RTC2 Part1 In pictures!
The first part of the academic courses on theoretical basics and modelling (RTC2) took place in Orleans at the end of January 2019. The [...]

9 décembre 2018
Third network-wide Refractory Training Course: Thermomechanical Modelling, 21-25 January 2019, Orléans
This training course is referred to the category RTC2 of the academic courses on theoretical basics and modelling. Its first part will take [...]